
The Electrum Archive - Issue 02

Created by Emiel Boven

Explore Orn, a world where adventurers delve into ancient alien shipwrecks in search of magical ink which is used as both currency and spellcasting fuel. Due to fluctuating global shipping rates, we will be charging shipping fees at a later date.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Faces of Orn
about 1 month ago – Tue, Feb 11, 2025 at 05:25:35 AM

This is a quick update to let you know I've published the Faces of Orn stretch goal!

You can find the full NPC illustration collection here:

It was incredible to work with a large group of different artists on this collection and flesh out the world of Orn this way. These illustrations are meant to inspire you when coming up with their own adventures and to be shown to players when they meet NPCs during the game.

The pre-generated character sheets and soundtrack are still being worked on, but I'll update you when they get published :)

Thank you for your support!


US and Canadian Shipping Update
6 months ago – Tue, Sep 03, 2024 at 04:37:33 AM

This is a short update to let you know that shipping for all US and Canadian addresses should finish soon.

If you don't have a shipping notification by tomorrow evening, you can reach out to the fulfillment partners directly via email to get your tracking information:

Canada: [email protected]

US: [email protected]

If you're in another part of the world and have not received your zines yet, shoot me a message and I'll get it sorted :)

Again, thank you so much for your support over the past year!

Enjoy your zines, and we'll talk again soon!


Soundtrack, Shipping US & Canada
7 months ago – Tue, Aug 27, 2024 at 02:03:57 AM


Let's talk shipping!


The zines for all regions except for the US and Canada have been sent out! So if you are in those regions, you either already have the zines or they should arrive in the next few weeks. If they don't, let me know and we'll get it sorted :)

The US and Canada are taking a bit longer than expected, but should be good to go in the next week!

The US fulfillment got delayed by my zines arriving at the warehouse just before GenCon and a case of covid right after. That should all be over now, so they will ship out soon!

For the Canadian fulfillment, we were waiting on the recycled mailers we will use to send the zines in, but the company producing the mailers had issues with flooding, which they had to fix before they could send out our packaging material.

So, if all goes well, both US and Canadian fulfillment should start next week!


Now, an update on one of the stretch goals! One of the stretch goals was a short album of tracks inspired by The Electrum Archive. It is being composed by a good friend of mine. They were also one of the original play testers of TEA and their warlock was the first player character to die in that campaign :)

In the last update, I talked about how the stretch goals will move at a slower pace compared to the zines, since we'll have to divide our attention between them and upcoming projects. For the soundtrack, we're aiming for it to be finished around December this year. As of right now, we have a created a bunch of audio sketches to get a feel for what we want the album to sound like, but it will take more time to polish these and create a cohesive album from them.

Here is one of the sketches we have right now:

That's all for now!

Stay safe, and talk soon!


IMPORTANT: Shipping and wrapping up the BackerKit
8 months ago – Tue, Jul 23, 2024 at 02:39:18 AM

IMPORTANT: This is for the handful of people that haven't filled in their shipping/payment details in the BackerKit or whose cards have been declined and have not messaged me about it: please message me if you still want to receive your pledge. I will be forfeiting and refunding these orders on August 1st to be able to wrap up this project.


I've spent a lot of time this month getting the zines ready to ship out to the fulfillment partners. My partner and I took a few days to tuck all the maps between the zines and packing them into sturdy cardboard boxes for shipping overseas.

Large pallet containing all the zines for US backers, ready to cross the Atlantic Ocean.

I'm happy to report that by now most shipments (the UK and Canada shipments are still in transit) have arrived at the local fulfillment centers! It will take some time to get them all counted and prepped, but shipping to individual backers should be ready to start in August!

Good news for Australian backers! The shipment to down under arrived a lot quicker than the others, and the amazing folks at Indie RPG Bookshelf who manage the fulfillment there have already sent out all the packages to backers! So if you're living in that part of the globe, keep an eye on your mailbox :)

What's next?

I'm going to keep an eye on fulfillment over the next month to make sure everything goes well, and that all backers get their physical rewards. Besides that, after a short break to recharge, I'll be starting on some of the remaining stretch goals. I'll be making some art myself and bringing on some other artists to work on the portrait packs and pre-generated character sheets. The pace for these stretch goals will be a lot slower as I will divide my attention between them and the next project I'm working on.

To give you a taste of the portrait pack here are the two character portraits drawn by the wonderful Evlyn Moreau:

As for my other project, I will be working on the expanded edition of my dungeon game DURF. I have been slowly tinkering with DURF: Expanded for a long time already over on my Patreon, but wrapping up TEA 02 makes it so I can finally put all my weight behind it :)

And of course I'll be working on The Electrum Archive - Issue 03, which will cover the Sunless Princedoms hiding beneath the surface of Orn. Ava and I are considering doing a half issue in between, containing some of the things we couldn't fit in this last one and won't thematically fit into issue 03, but we'll see what form this will take while we're working on it :)

If you want to stay in the loop on what's going on with these projects (or just would like to hear my thoughts on the books I read and games I played each month), consider checking out my newsletter Lizard Mail! It is the best way to know what I'm up to in this age of decaying social media. A new letter going over my June and July will go out a little after I post this update.

Again, thank you so much for your support over the last year and a half!

That's all for now! Stay safe and take care :)


June Update - Charging Cards and Locking Addresses
9 months ago – Wed, Jun 26, 2024 at 12:45:12 AM

All 3000+ zines have been printed! They look awesome and I'm planning to ship them to fulfillment partners over the next month.

IMPORTANT: I will start charging cards in BackerKit on July 1st! Shipping addresses will lock 48 hours after that, so make sure your payment info and shipping address are up-to-date in the BackerKit before then. If you run into any trouble, feel free to shoot me a message and I'll help out!

Again, thank you all for supporting this project! I will update you when each region starts shipping out :)

