
The Electrum Archive - Issue 02

Created by Emiel Boven

Explore Orn, a world where adventurers delve into ancient alien shipwrecks in search of magical ink which is used as both currency and spellcasting fuel. Due to fluctuating global shipping rates, we will be charging shipping fees at a later date.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

March Update
over 1 year ago – Mon, Apr 03, 2023 at 01:19:52 AM


As promised, here is the first monthly update to let you know how the project is going :)

Most of March was spent reorganizing the project. I've taken some time to organize my notes and drafts so I don't have to dig through hundreds of small files to get them when I need to reference something in the next few months of production. 

I planned to start work on the rules section of the zine last week, but my partner had a medical emergency which caused me to spent a day at the hospital and left me pretty stressed and tired for the last few days. Things have stabilized over the weekend, so I'm aiming to finish writing the rules section of the zine this month. That way I can send it to Ava for a first editing pass in May and share a beta version of that part of the zine with you in June :)

So yeah, a bit of a slow month, but I feel like the prep I did this month will pay off over the coming months.

I'm going to continue writing the various downtime actions today. I'm incredibly excited about them and can't wait to share some previews with you in next month's update!

Talk soon!

- Emiel Keys
over 1 year ago – Tue, Mar 14, 2023 at 01:34:50 AM


Quick update: I've sent out download keys for the first issue to all "Legacy"-tier backers. If you somehow haven't received it, please let me know!


- Emiel

Thank You!
over 1 year ago – Tue, Feb 28, 2023 at 10:38:00 AM


Thank you!

I did not expect to be able to reach such a big number to be perfectly honest. I'm incredibly humbled by the positive response to this campaign and will do everything I can to make this second issue an absolute banger :)

The plan going forward is that I'll update you each month with a short post about my progress. I'm still aiming for December for the zine to be released and delivered, but some of the unlocked digital stretch goals might take a little longer since the primary focus will be getting the zine finished. 

As for the first thing I'll be working on, I'll be focusing my attention on the rules and procedures section of the zine. I want to get a beta version of that in your electronic mailboxes before the end of June, so you can start using it in your games.

Also, I'll be sending out the PDFs of the first issue to all Legacy backers somewhere next week once Kickstarter has processed all the payments :)

Again, thank you so much! You made this project happen!

Talk soon!

- Emiel

Project Spotlight: Feathertail Falls

If you're still here, go back Feathertail Falls! It's an adventure for Mausritter and is looking really nice!

Even more Faces!
over 1 year ago – Mon, Feb 27, 2023 at 10:42:39 AM

Hey friend!

The project has just reached 45k and unlocked the "Even More Faces" stretch goal! 

This means the portrait package unlocked previously will double in size and feature an even wider range of different artists!

I'm absolutely blown away by the end sprint that is going on right now, so I'm curious to see if we can still make it to the next stretch goal before the project ends tomorrow!

The next stretch goal will be the stand-alone zine for the adventure "Veins Beneath the Sand". 

This adventure, which takes players into an elder ship in the desert outside of Titan Port, is something I'm very excited to write! Having the extra page count of the stand-alone zine will give me more room to make it a more sprawling dungeon compared to when I'll have to cram it into the back of The Electrum Archive - Issue 02.

Again, thank you so much for your support!

Talk to you soon :)

- Emiel

Digital Soundtrack Unlocked!
over 1 year ago – Sat, Feb 25, 2023 at 10:58:42 AM


I'm so happy to announce that the project has passed the 40k mark and will now be getting a digital soundtrack! 

This short album of instrumental tracks will be composed by a good friend of mine, who I've worked with multiple times before while I still created video games. We've been talking about creating music inspired by Orn for a while now, going back as far as the initial ideas for the setting, so I'm incredibly excited to finally be able to make it a reality :)

The next stretch goal will be a doubling of the amount of character portraits that will be created for the Face of Orn art pack that was unlocked previously.

Again, thank you so much for your support and I hope you have a good rest of your day :)

Talk to you again soon,

- Emiel